Kitchen: Open or Closed Format? What is best for you and your family unit.

Open or Closed:

While we are spending so much time indoors many people are looking to renovate upgrade areas of their homes. During the quarantine, we have been all cooking at home with very few home deliveries options 

Renovation of a kitchen is key competent not only to the functionality of your overall home but the resale value of your space. 


Let’s talk about space planning many of us think open kitchen yes, please 

Though we first will invite you to ask yourself a series of questions to determine if a closed or open format is more suitable for you and your family unit.

1- how do you cook your tidy cook - or a messy one 

2- do clean right after you take your time to clean up space 

3- is the kitchen a major place that your family unit like to spend time in or is a grab and go kind of environment 

4- do you like to entertain while you cook or do have all food ready when your guest arrives?

5- do you like to have wine + cocktails prior to dinner in an informal way around the kitchen island

These questions will help guide you to your YES. 

If the answer is mixed, we would say then your solution would be a partial pass-through window/sliding door to fuse the two concepts together ...

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